I was in church one day when 75-year-old Jane called my name. I was on my way out after Mass, minding my own business when Jane, seeing I was available, called an audible.
I turned to see Jane slow-walking, pulling a young lady I’d never seen by the arm toward me. Jane makes it her business to introduce herself to every new face at Mass. With the currency of time, interrupted only by her doctors’ appointments and visits with grandchildren, Jane lavishes newcomers with the gift of her time and attention. Jane wants to hear their stories and makes it her mission to ensure each new church attendee comes back for more Jesus.
Jane called me off of the bench and put me on Team Grandmothers for Jesus, even though I’m nowhere near grandmother status yet.
She introduces me to this young lady, Sarah. Jane then instructs Sarah to tell me why she’s in church, waves her arms about to announce her departure then shuffles out, leaving me to tend to Sarah.
Sarah looks to be in her early 20s as she has new tiny brown baby hairs still growing out around her temples but her eyes hold a grown-up secret.